How to Identify Parental Control App Scams

By Andrea Nelson
August 8, 2024
Woman with head in hand looking at phone because of parental control app scam on iPhone

For parents looking to keep track of their child’s activity online and make sure they stay safe in their digital lives, parental control apps can be a lifesaver. The best ones are customizable, transparent, and secure. Unfortunately, the popularity of parental control apps has attracted scammers, leaving many parents swindled and frustrated. Here’s how to identify and avoid parental control scams on iPhone and Android, plus tips on selecting a reputable app that does what it claims.

What are parental control app scams? 

In many ways, parental control app scams are no different from other scams. It’s a classic template: prey on a vulnerable population (in this case, parents) and exploit that vulnerability to extract money or steal personal information. 

There are many forms scams like this can take, but here are some of the ways some parental control apps have been known to take advantage of customers:

  • Advertising features that do not exist or don’t work properly. 
  • Offering a satisfaction guarantee, but refusing to issue a refund when the app doesn’t work.
  • Pushing through an automatic renewal, even when the customer selected the manual option. 
  • Extremely difficult (or impossible) to cancel or unsubscribe. 
  • Major security flaws that allow threat actors to install malware or steal sensitive data from users’ devices. 
  • Users are required to pay extra for tech support when the app invariably doesn’t work. 

Red flags that a parental control app is a scam

The best time to identify a scam is before you’ve fallen prey to it. Here are some red flags to watch for as you shop for a parental control app: 

  • Overly aggressive marketing tactics
  • Unrealistic promises about what the app can do
  • Lack of transparency about the app’s features
  • Difficult to find an actual location for the company
  • Poor customer reviews
  • No presence on social media or in other publications

How to know if a parental control app is credible 

Now that you know what red flags to look for, here are some signs a parental control app is legit.

Media coverage

People like to talk about the apps they recommend using. If an app is featured in reputable tech, parenting, or industry publications, that’s a good sign. 

You might also see the app mentioned by other people online, like Facebook groups or social posts. In some cases, that coverage is a paid partnership, which should be disclosed. Look for key details that indicate the person has actually used the app. It’s a good sign if they reply to comments and provide specific examples about their experience.

Company transparency

On the app’s website, look for names, bios, and a company story that point to the real people behind the product. Good apps don’t need to hide who’s behind them. 

Positive user reviews 

Read reviews to find out other parent’s experiences with the app. (If reviews aren’t available on the company website, look on the App Store.) It’s always interesting to see the responses to negative reviews, too — does the company pay attention and respond to feedback, or do they ignore negative feedback?

What to do if you’ve been scammed by a parental control app

Red flags and warnings are all well and good, but what should you do if it’s already too late? Here are steps to take if you’ve been scammed by a parental control app. 

Report the scam

Contact consumer protection entities such as the Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission. File a complaint detailing your experience with the company. In certain cases, you may be able to get assistance with your situation. Regardless, your complaint can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam. 

Seek a refund 

If you are unable to get your money back from the company who runs the app, contact your bank or credit card company and follow their process for disputing a charge. 

Protect personal information

Change the password anywhere the app may have had access (for example: your computer and phone, Google, and social media). Continue to monitor these accounts for any suspicious activity. 

If you’re concerned your financial information may have been compromised, ask your bank what extra protections they can put in place. 

In short

When looking for a parental control app to monitor your child and keep them safe online, it’s crucial to select one that is reliable and reputable. 

At BrightCanary, we hear from so many parents that they’ve been duped by other parental control apps. That’s why we want to get the word out about these scams and help parents avoid falling prey to them. It’s also why we’re on a mission to make sure you have a top notch experience with our app. 

BrightCanary is built and run by real parents with real families, which means we know how important it is to get it right. Have you been scammed by other parental control apps? Reach out to us at and tell us about it. We’ll make sure you have a positive experience with BrightCanary.

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