Spending Time With Family: 8 Tips for Quality Time

By Andrea Nelson
June 24, 2024
Family cooking together

Guilt over not spending enough time with our kids has become as much of a parenting rite of passage as diaper blowouts and teaching them to drive. Modern parents can breathe a sigh of relief, though, because research indicates that it’s more important to focus on quality over quantity. If you’re looking for new ideas for bonding with your kids, here are our team’s top eight tips for spending quality time with family.

1. Family movie night 

Get out the popcorn and make a beeline for the best spot on the couch — it’s time for family movie night. If it’s hard to squeeze in a full movie between dinner and bed, there are plenty of family-friendly TV shows to choose from instead. Consider taking turns on who picks what you watch. 

Not sure if a TV show is safe for kids? Common Sense Media is an excellent resource to help you figure out if content is age-appropriate.

2. Snuggle up and read 

Not only is reading with your child a wonderful way to spend time together, it also supports literacy. Many older children who can read independently still enjoy being read to.

My kiddo and I struggle to read books together because he can’t wait and always finishes them without me. If that sounds familiar, try picking up your own book and reading next to each other. Modeling reading also provides a lot of benefits to kids. Plus, you can’t beat the opportunity to snuggle. 

3. Family dinner

There is an abundance of research pointing to the benefits of eating together as a family, including a positive impact on children’s self-esteem, mental health, and communication skills. If work or activity schedules make family dinners difficult, never fear. The key is a shared meal; it doesn’t matter which one, so long as you’re turning off screens and connecting with each other while you eat.  

4. Tech timeouts

Speaking of turning off screens during meals, creating opportunities for screen-free connection is a great way to enhance the time you spend with your family. Consider establishing screen-free times, such as during dinner or before bed, or designating no-tech zones in your house.

5. Game night 

Pull out the Monopoly board and get ready to bond over some friendly competition. If you’re looking for fresh ideas to revamp your family game night, check out this handy list

6. Cook a meal 

Go a step beyond family dinner and try cooking a meal together. As an added bonus, involve your kids in the planning and shopping, too. Not only will you get to spend quality time together, but they’ll also learn important skills. Here are some recipe ideas and tips to get you started. 

7. Plant a family garden 

Head outside and get your hands dirty. Planting a garden as a family is another excellent way to spend quality time together. Kids will enjoy watching their efforts flourish as the season goes on, and they can pick the fruits of their labor to use in family meals! 

8. Nature scavenger hunt 

A nature scavenger hunt moves your family outside and gets everyone engaged in a shared activity. Scavenger hunts can be tailored to your region or kept generic, and you can increase the complexity if your kids are older or nature buffs.  

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